It has been said that truth can be stranger than fiction.

As eerily foreshadowed in the fictional novels 1984 and Brave New World, we could very much find ourselves at the precipice of a time in history that is both dystopian in nature and darker than any novel or Hollywood movie could even depict. Think about this reader, almost every aspect of our lives today is in some way, shape, or form, interacting with the digital world.

As an example; in a not-so-distant future where our currency is delivered exclusively in a digital format, say in the form of a social credit, could we be cut-off because we didn’t pay a parking ticket or return a library book? What if we are not allowed to order a pizza because the computer systems which are linked-up and controlled by the government and corporate oligarchies also control our healthcare and have us flagged as having high cholesterol. What if freedom of choice become an illusion, a rumor, a just a shadow from the past. Believe it or not reader, there are technologies and laws, proposed, pending and existing, that, if left to the purview of an unknowing public, will go unchecked, unquestioned and will be allowed to more easily pass slowly into our daily lives.

It’s like that analogy where frogs jump out of a pot of boiling water verses them being slowly heated to an abrupt death. Now, more than ever, it is important to have more understanding of the digital world as it touches more and more aspects of our lives. One could say that Digital Literacy is needed NOW!!

This is the updates category of digital literacy now. This category on the site will contain updates to things pertaining merely to this site such as it going down for maintenance for a few hours or a new.


I was inspired to create this website when I was confronted with the knowledge that so many people interact and use technologies that they don’t even understand. Sometimes the path to this information is a smooth path and other times it’s a rocky terrain. For either journey, I am here to be your guide. People should have an understanding of how technologies work so that they can make an informed decision on how to use them.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide a learning platform for all who navigate the digital world. It is our hope that this comprehensive library of knowlege will help those who seek find the answers to some of the most important in terms of digital literacy. First off, let me explain what we will not be doing on this platform. We will NOT promote products and services that do not serve in the interest of our digital community.